Angelo Ferro

Head of BD + Data Projects

Prior to Baotris, Angelo was a Director of Business Development for Unity Analytics. In that role he helped developers understand and analyze their data to improve their customer's experience.

As the head of BD he introduces prospects and partners to Baotris. Ad the head of data projects, he shares his data expertise with portfolio brands. In his spare time he enjoys fashion, interior design and floristry.

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Angelo Ferro

Head of BD + Data Projects

Prior to Baotris, Angelo was a Director of Business Development for Unity Analytics. In that role he helped developers understand and analyze their data to improve their customer's experience.

As the head of BD he introduces prospects and partners to Baotris. Ad the head of data projects, he shares his data expertise with portfolio brands. In his spare time he enjoys fashion, interior design and floristry.

Turn data into brand strength through AI

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